• 許多女性認為在炎熱的夏天保護嘴唇是不必要的。 或者你可以塗點口紅,然後一了百了。 其實,夏天,護唇也是一個大項目哦! 妊c噚垚垛妌噢噣過來看看這個小小的化妝品,為你做的計劃! 別偷懶了! 美麗的嘴唇讓你看起來更年輕!











    接下來要唇膏 推介,是首創以獨特寶石切割的LANCOME瑰麗寶石絲滑唇膏,相比LANCOME之前其他系列唇膏更加絲滑、顯色和持久,從大膽醒目的#01火紅色到低調溫雅的#204肉桂色,一共15種色號讓你打造最適合的秋冬唇妝。

    如果嘴唇幹燥脫皮,必須先做好保濕修複,然後去角質,要立即塗上保濕唇膏,然後用手指輕輕按摩,促進嘴唇的血液循環。 假如平日雙唇護士較好,去硬質一般一個月進行一次,反而往往會對唇部造成傷害。







    一如以往,各家化妝品大牌都陸續推出了全新的唇膏系列,不論是唇膏顏色還是包裝設計同樣吸引人關注。今次我們特意為各位介紹CHANEL、Dior、YSL、Hermès、NARS、GUCCI六款不同唇膏 推介,如果你是個「唇膏控」就更加不能錯過。


    唇彩的主要功能是美化唇部,而不是滋潤唇部。 唇彩和唇膏可以使嘴唇的皮膚更加幹燥和老化,但不能滋潤嘴唇。 因此,女孩們不應該再用唇彩或唇膏來滋潤嘴唇了,在使用唇膏和唇彩之後,先清洗你的嘴唇,然後再使用保濕霜來滋潤你的嘴唇。





    還為幹裂的嘴唇煩惱嗎? 學學這些把戲吧!




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  • Let Yourself Be Beautiful

    We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”
    – Marianne Williamson

    For the past week, I have been conducting an experiment. Every morning when I wake up, I close my eyes, breathe deeply, and ask myself this question: “If I were not afraid, I would ...”

    The answers have been fascinating, and far reaching. One that keeps appearing over and over again is, “If I were not afraid, I would let myself be beautiful.”

    I find this startling: What is so fearful about being beautiful? In our appearance focused culture, why would I shrink from being as ravishing as possible?

    Here’s why I’m afraid. I’m afraid of attracting envy. I’m afraid that I’ll get too attached to my appearance, only to grasp when it fades. I’m afraid because if I feel beautiful and confident I won’t have an excuse for not pursuing my passions and dreams. I’m afraid because I won’t have a reason to hide myself from the world.

    I’m afraid because I’ll have to change my perception of myself, and accept my divine worth, abiding in the image of God.


    I am afraid of my goodness. I am afraid of being my physical best.

    My revelations remind me of all the drop dead gorgeous women I know, who if you ask them if they think they’re beautiful will say, “I’m beautiful on the inside,” as if their fabulous outer package is the equivalent of scrap metal. By contrast, I remember an interview between Oprah and Selma Hayek, where Selma unselfconsciously owned her beauty. I found that so inspiring.

    My friend Sabrina and I were talking about how if weren’t afraid we would get out of our sweats and Eddie Bauer pants. Yet the last few times we’ve run into each other we’ve been wearing ... sweats and Eddie Bauer pants.

    As Marianne Williamson so eloquently reminds us, we serve no one when we hide our beauty. Enjoy it; it’s a gift, no different from your intelligence, your empathy, or your compassion. Each is to be celebrated, enjoyed, and used. Yes, your beauty will change, and it isn’t permanent, but just as a bright, sunny day will eventually turn to darkness or rain, that doesn’t mean you can’t dance in the sun while it shines.

    Use your beauty. Embrace it. Share it with the world. Let yourself be beautiful.

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  • Microsoft is rolling out an update to its AI-powered photo editing app, Microsoft Pix, that aims to give Prisma and others like it some new competition. While the app was originally designed to enhance your iPhone photos by tweaking things like color, exposure and other variables, the newly updated Microsoft Pix will now let you have a little more fun with your photos, too – this time, by turning them into art book hotel hk.


    Similar to Prisma, the new app introduces a feature called Pix Styles, which allows you to transform your photos into works of art, and use other effects. For example, one effect will make the picture look like it’s on fire. These are not photo filters, to be clear – the styles actually transfer texture, pattern and tones to the photo, explains Microsoft.


    The app launches today with 11 styles included, but more will be added in the weeks ahead, the company says.


    Also like Prisma, you can swipe your finger across the style to increase or reduce the effect. When you’re done, you can frame the photo, crop it, or share it out to social networks, as before.


    Another new feature – Pix Paintings – takes a step beyond Prisma, Lucid, Pikazo, Dreamscope and other “photo-to-art” apps, as it lets you see a time-lapse of the photo being painted in the artistic style you selected. This is more entertaining than it is practical, but it’s a nifty trick DDoS Attack.



    Microsoft says that the new features were developed in collaboration with Microsoft’s Asia research lab and Skype, and leverage an A.I. processing approach called deep neural networks. This is what’s used to train large datasets. For Pix, that means lots of paintings were used to train the A.I. in order to learn the various styles.


    It’s also the same technology that Google experimented with in order to produce a new kind of trippy, machine-created art – some of which it showed off at an exhibit last year Serviced apartment Hong Kong.


    “These are meant to be fun features,” said Josh Weisberg, a principal program manager in the Computational Photography Group within Microsoft’s research organization in Redmond, in an announcement. “In the past, a lot of our efforts were focused on using AI and deep learning to capture better moments and better image quality. This is more about fun. I want to do something cool and artistic with my photos,” he says.


    Also worth noting is that these new features can be used without tapping into your phone’s data plan, or while your phone is offline. That’s because Pix works directly on your device itself to run its calculations – it doesn’t need to access the cloud. This is part of a broader effort at Microsoft to shift A.I. from the cloud to devices at the edge of the network, the company says.




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  • The hope is they will multiply, breed and become the majority of mosquitoes, thus reducing cases of the disease.

    The initiative is part of a programme also taking place in Australia, Vietnam and Indonesia.

    The intercellular bacteria, Wolbachia, being introduced cannot be transmitted to humans.

    The programme started in 2012 says Luciano Moreira of the Brazilian research institute Fiocruz, who is leading the project in Brazil .

    "Our teams performed weekly visits to the four neighbourhoods in Rio being targeted. Mosquitoes were analysed after collection in special traps.

    "Transparency and proper information for the households is priority. "

    Ten thousands mosquitoes will be released each month for four months with the first release in Tubiacanga, in the north of Rio.
    'Good' bacteria

    The bacteria Wolbachia is found in 60% of insects. It acts like a vaccine for the mosquito which carries Dengue, Aedes Aegypti, stopping the Dengue virus multiplying in its body.

    Wolbachia also has an effect on reproduction. If a contaminated male fertilises the eggs of a female without the bacteria, these eggs do not turn into larvae.

    If the male and female are contaminated or if only a female has the bacteria, all future generations of mosquito will carry Wolbachia.

    As a result, Aedes mosquitoes with Wolbachia become predominant without researchers having to constantly release more contaminated insects.

    In Australia this happened within 10 weeks on average.

    The research on Wolbachia began at the University of Monash in Australia in 2008. The researchers allowed the mosquitoes to feed on their own arms for five years because of concerns at the time Wolbachia could infect humans and domestic animals.

    Three more neighbourhoods will be targeted next, and large scale studies to evaluate the effect of the strategy are planned for 2016.

    fliyskyapple 92521226的博客 huseて日記 huewer’s blog

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  • Autotech’s strategy is seemingly working already, too. The firm, which is today announcing the close of its debut fund with $120 million in capital commitments, has already funded six companies, including the growing rideshare giant Lyft. Lyft fit perfectly into the criteria of Autotech, which looks to back either very early-stage companies where its introductions can make a meaningful impact, or relatively mature deals, where it can “make money off little risk in a relatively short amount of time,” says co-founder Alexei Andreev, a physicist turned longtime investor. He founded Autotech with Quin Garcia, a self-described “car guy” whose past roles have included heading up automotive alliances on behalf of the now defunct electric vehicle network startup Better Place. At the same time, Autotech made sense for Lyft, too, explains Andreev, who says Autotech joined the company’s December 2015 Series F round, buying primary shares serviced home. “Companies know that we leverage our LPs to help us understand pain points, then we help startups to scale up by introducing them to our LPs,” he says . Among the other startups in Autotech’s portfolio are DeepScale, a startup developing technology that processes the information a car receives about its surroundings from sensors; Outdoorsy, which is akin to an Airbnb for recreational vehicles; Work Truck Solutions, whose software helps owners of commercial truck fleets track their vehicles; Volta Charging, an EV charging startup that gives away electricity, making money by selling advertising space on the stations; and a logistics platform company called Realign Technology. Garcia and Andreev say they’re on the cusp on signing two more deals, too Beauty Mama.

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